Current Sermon Series

Corinth was a city in the middle of everything - trade, many religions, and temptations. Paul saw the church in Corinth struggling with keeping their worship and everyday lives pure in the midst of the chaos of the city. The bad habits of the city had begun to creep into the church. From the outside looking in - Paul had no trouble seeing how messy the church had become. He couldn't hold back - he had to speak the truth in love. Imagine when this letter was read before the congregation...it wasn't easy to hear, but it needed to be heard.
This series is all about how God works in our lives, and it’s something we can all relate to. We believe God has a plan for our future, but the ways he accomplishes his purposes are often surprising. Frank teaches and preaches his way through this first letter to the Corinthians demonstrating how we must cling to God's grace and the Gospel of Jesus to allow change to occur in our "messy" lives.
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